Let's Make it Big!
Let the crowdfunding pros work with you to get your crowdfunding campaign live! The three of us have all worked extensively with crowdfunding over the years. Pally was the PR Account Manager for Indiegogo, just as it was entering the UK market. Zee has delivered a number of crowdfunding projects over the years. Dawn has worked with both Crowdfunder UK - developing a white label platform for a business support agency plus supporting client's with their campaigns and also with Indiegogo on a international level for clients.
It's a whole new, world out there! the digital world has totally exploded, let's work together to convert this into a stunning crowdfunding campaign. Let's get your amazing dreams to market . We are here to help! It's our dreams too.

Rewards Crowdfunding
We specialise in working with rewards, or seed, crowdfunding which provides a business solution for alternative financing, in which entrepreneurs gain financial donations from customers in the return for a product or service (offered as a ‘reward for the monetary investment).
Rewards crowding campaigns are by far more popular than the closely related counterpart, equity-based crowdfunding.
Lead Generation/Viral Marketing
We are experienced in the world of commercialism, including eCommerce & know what customers want, including their habits. Through this knowledge we build integrated campaigns that convert clicks into customers. Through our carefully curated marketing & PR strategies & interventions we can expose your brand to much larger audiences!
We've got this, click on the button below & let's chat this through

Video & Imagery
So ....the must critical point of a crowdfunding campaign is the video! Zee is our video Queen & has worked in the video production field for years.
Not only will we sort out your campaign videos (yes, plural) but we will sort out the videos for your web, social medias & the photography images, to accompany
Media Coverage
Pally our resident PR expert works with her very comprehensive little black book of trustworthy & professional connections covering a wide variety of local, regional, national & international print, TV, radio and online media outlets. Pally will expertly & creatively assess your target audiences, determine your strongest news angles and develop a cunning plan to execute your specialist media plan.

Let's Fix Your Web!
So ...your business shopwindow is your web! If that's not all singing & dancing, then neither is your campaign. We will design or re-design your website to ensure that your campaign is stunningly compelling!
Your web needs to be totally responsive & slick across all the social media campaigns.
At the same time we will sort out that all important & mission crital search engine optimisation (SEO) making sure that Google gets you & that searching customers land on your web pages
Digital Marketing
Zee is our campaign artist & the expert in managing your ad campaigns with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikToand Pinterest in a cost effective & efficient way. Zee will help you reach your goals by providing full-range PPC services. Lets be honest PPC is a pain ...let us take the strain & sort it out for you